Thursday, May 19, 2011


While being ‘candid’ is being frank, open, honest, truthful, sincere, blunt, outspoken, forthright, straightforward, upfront; have you ever noticed how the many prefer for you NOT to be any of those? Odd and fascinating at the same time how that prefix is part of our word candidate, hmmm? Perhaps they forgot its meaning? It must be the suffix ‘ate’ that creates the difference and that’s why they appear to eat their words?
Actually, it means state, office, or function or it can mean cause to be or kind of state, but I like mine better, what do you think?

Well, my problem is I tend to be ‘candid’ in nearly everything I say, and when I am not I feel totally disloyal to yours truly. Let’s put it this way, my filter has been broken for years, I know you have heard that one before…what can I say I do BELIEVE IT IS TRUE OR MUST BE with the way I behave, huh?
Any-who, ‘tact’ is what I lack because it is diplomacy, discretion, judgment, skill, delicacy, perception, dexterity, insight, and discernment, well though, on occasion I have been known to incorporate a few of those terms in my heart of hearts, but not as often as ‘the many’ would prefer. Is tact really all that great and what its cracked up to be? I made a funny, “cracked up to be”! LOL!
My main concern when talking is being able to express my real feelings about the topic at hand.
Most people know when you are hedging your bet or trying to be diplomatic, which I never thought of as being dishonest, but I suppose it is since it is not being totally honest!
Interesting to think of that possibility, and does that mean that all Diplomats are lying who represent US all over the world?
Nah, they are hedging their bets to be gentler kinder middle men and women in negotiating in the way they represent what eventually will become the truth, I would think so anyway, right?

Tonight’s news divulged that we ARE in for a very nasty hurricane season due to la Nina, with no wind shear, warmer waters in the Atlantic and Gulf, see I called that and also some other double talked system which means we are definitely up a creek with no paddle! Our only choice is to stay tuned and more than likely evacuate when the powers that are tell us to!
Another tidbit from the news bites I disseminated, how odd another ‘ate’ suffix, from tonight’s blurb was that we live slightly north of the second safest city in Florida, Cape Coral and the first is….Port St. Lucie!
Hubby and I were debating that that second choice only since they recently have been also appearing in first place with nightly news bits about crime, how odd?
I suppose the state has much worse incidents elsewhere for them to be second, oh the first, Port St. Lucie is all the way across the state on the Atlantic coast, while Cape Coral is maybe twenty or thirty mile south of us, perhaps their good fortune will spill over this way. Although, our area doesn’t seem to make the nightly reports as often as theirs, you see that’s why I am confused.
Maybe we just under report our crimes, yep that’s got it be it, who would want to brag about that, now I ask you?
Orlando has the highest crime in state while St. Pete is second; whoa I love those two cities!
Who said I had good judgment, and I am trying so hard not to be judgmental, ha!
I think the key is in that word, let’s take it apart, ‘judg’ and ‘mental’, hmmm…
But whatever could I mean…
Weirdness please be here and always as my dear sweet friends are too!

On behalf of all my silliness; I hope it was as good for you as for me?
Let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, OK?

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