Monday, March 7, 2011

I had a topic but I can't remember it...

Tonight I was going to write about something that when I was talking to my cousin in Ohio I knew it but it has slipped this slimy brain of mine… oh well…
I will go on in spite of that!
It was so good to speak with her too.
I hadn’t heard from her in ages and was concerned for she too has MS and was not too well due to having active lesions. She is only two and half years older than me and we won’t tell the exact numbers, oh yes we will since she told me proudly she was just sixty-three the end of January. My cuz, which is what we call cousins in NJ, was diagnosed when she was a mere twenty-seven. And when this last MRI that showed she now had active lesions that was done she hadn’t been on any MS medications for over a year, and so now she will be going very shortly on a new one called Gilenya. It is one of the first pill form meds for Multiple Sclerosis. She expressed that they put her through a myriad of tests to do with her heart and blood work, three in all. Sadly, I would not be a good candidate for any of the new oral releases since they all seem to have drug interaction or other side effects and I have medical issues that make them contra-indicated for me.
Fortunately, my cuz does not and so she currently is in a wait mode for her starting this FDA approve new drug, we can only hope and pray it will do what it should do, cut relapses! Below is the WEBMD site to find out more.

I did notice in my MS Newsletter that a few more orals will be coming out in the near future, which is truly miraculous! There has never been an oral medication before for Multiple Sclerosis, so that alone is worth getting excited about.
Thus me still being on Copaxone, and I will be until this coming July, a year for me on it, when I have the option to reapply for more of it through NORD or to go off of it, and I have decided since I am stable to stop it for a while and see how I do.
Daily injections are rather trying but anyone who is a diabetic or needing to take any kind of injections for their medical treatment can well understand and commiserate with me on and mine is always in a different location on me, seven locations in all.
But anyone on Copaxone knows the drill.

Moving on… interesting occurrence happened today, my bank the one I complained about on the fourth of this month. They sent me and referred to me by addressing the envelope as ‘Mrs.’ with my last name without Hubby’s name and enclosed in the envelope was an apology to me with a twenty-five dollar gas card included. How truly interesting? Hmmm… what should one make of this?

Beware of strangers, (Greeks) bearing gifts comes to mind? I do know that has to do with the Trojan horse housing many of Achilles soldiers and when the Trojans took the horse inside the city out of curiosity, the Greeks inside waited till nightfall and climbed down, opening the gates to let the rest of the Greek army into Troy and so conquering the city.
So be careful of presents from Greeks or anyone else, just in case they are not what they seem. I am so sad and bad looking a ‘gift horse’ in the mouth, ha, I suppose those two expressions are RELATED, how about that? And I apologize to all people who are Greek, just remembering the expression that does have some significant historical value, even you must admit?

While writing this I received a message from my cousin that she is back online, which is just dandy, since when she wasn’t for a while I so missed hearing from her and that is why I did call today on my cell, which I never use up the minutes on anyway and so it was free!
She wants to send me something, but fortunately she is NO stranger! HA! Gotcha!

Any-who, perhaps she may be able to remind me on what I was, suppose to write tonight on my blog topic-wise and I will try for tomorrow night’s subject matter of interest, huh?

On that elderly lapse of memory issue showing, oops!
Let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to all kindly count those blessings and to share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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