Friday, March 18, 2011


How dare they?
Have any of you received what Hubby received yesterday, a piece of mail entitled, ‘FINAL NOTICE’? It was from an insurance company that was NOT ours offering different types of policies. Hubby called their 800 number and asked them to take him off their mailing list, which is all anyone can really do; this company is called United of Omaha Life Insurance Company. Although, he did ask to speak to their supervisor or anyone above them to discuss his distaste of how they conducted their business, and in the transfer of his call he received a busy signal and then a disconnect, well, what would you expect, huh?
Thankfully, we have no overdue bills and so we knew right away that it was some type of a scam, but upsetting just the same and I would even go as far as to say as a defamation of character!
How many mail personnel saw it and thought there goes another poor person that can’t keep up with their expenses or worse another dead beat!
Either way it is not something that anyone wants to see in their snail mail.

Come to think of it whenever I cancel a magazine subscription I get those final notices too as if I don’t renew I would suffer some unknown devastating lapse in the information that their magazine provides for me. Unfortunately, I only do cancel those subscriptions when they have turned their so-called informative magazine into more advertising than substance!
Same stupid way to handle the customer they are about to or have just lost, but those companies I did actually have interaction with, not like this cold call mailer from of all things a life insurance company, for them that it is sinking way, way low!

Listen folks I don’t mention names of companies unless what I am telling you is completely true. I, unlike them would never stoop to false accusations or trickery to make my point or to sell something, for this brings me NO income what-so-ever, sad but true.
Actually, in the nearly three years that I have been doing this it says I have made just over ten bucks, but have not received it since they want to wait until there is more?
Apparently, the only way for me to get any income is if you click on my below advertising, but not many have and it only pays cents each and every time and I am NOT supposed to ask you to do that, and so disregard what I just wrote, OK? It will be just between us, alright? (WINK)

Moving on…
Warning! Or perhaps not but did any of you out there realize that if you are taking statins, cholesterol medication that you must not eat grapefruit products?
I am sure you all know that, since it is written on your medication bottle, correct?

Well, if you all recall we had had dinner at our across the canal neighbors home a week ago Tuesday, what I forgot to tell you is that I tried a new exotic fruit called a Pomelo, which I was assured that it was NOT a grapefruit, and I had no reason not to take my hostesses word for that. But as we were leaving I started feeling odd, and my ankle started to swell.
By the time we arrived home I was in agony and so I iced my ankle and took a handful of aspirins. Since I had not fallen or hurt my ankle the swelling did not make any sense. I remembered from my first aid that elevation was also appropriate and so that is what I did too!
The next morning I appeared to be fine once again, but you know me I started to over analyze the instance as not just an anomaly but perhaps an allergic reaction or something more ominous?
I had a reason to call my neighbor today due to calling local agencies for our use and finding out that the numbers were either no longer in service or had been changed and we had shared those numbers with their newer neighbors across the street from them. I felt just awful that they had the wrong numbers and so I called to pass the correct numbers on to them. And as an after thought I asked about the mysterious fruit that I just told you the name of above and so I Googled it and found out that sure enough it is in the grapefruit family of citrus, in fact the Pomelo which is also called a Chinese grapefruit, scary!
And so I emailed the info to my neighbor so she would know and not offer it to people who are on certain types of medication for heart disease like congestive heart failure, high blood pressure medication or cholesterol meds all which I am on too!
Check with your own physician to be sure or your pharmacist or Google it like I did, better to be safe than sorry and possibly dead, not an over the top supposition, yes that swelling may have very well been a blood clot, but raising my leg and cooling it and taking mega doses of aspirin probably saved my life.
But don’t assume things just like other medicines only interact badly, foods do too!

This is why I try to read as much as I can about my own ills since knowledge IS truly POWER! And who knows the life you save could be your own…

On that something to think about… let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night to all and to count those blessings and to remind you to kindly share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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