Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nike 2?

Heck, why not?
Let’s give it another go around, huh?
What ya say folks? Nike IT!
Oddly enough the amount of love that was shown to me on the Nike original night has not been bestowed again upon me or really I should say on this blog and I flagrantly want to complain to whoever will listen, are you there? It must have been one heck of a wonderful fluke!
Now tonight’s blog should be written under the influence of some type of alcoholic substance for some more creative juices to flow… and to be honest I am having one of those, a Cabernet Sauvignon; for medicinal purposes of course and to boost that creativity factor! A mid week pick me up, huh? Who would deny a sixty plus gal and I mean way plus, size that is, ha! Well, that is what the doctor’s approved of, one for the ladies not expecting little ones, that means ‘prego’, with child, for the ones who think I was beating around the bush, at my age that would be a miracle and yes I do have that old ticker its supposed to be good for and two of that same beverage for the gentlemen for the same reason, now does that sound fair?
I believe another case of a double standard!
I’m no Charlie Sheen with all his drinking and drugs, oh no I only take prescribed by doctor medication and an occasional glass or two of wine during the weekends and sometimes mid-week or the other four days perhaps but that’s all; like today! Oh and him sleeping around… not for me…I just try to sleep, but lately not too well; why last night I only got in four and half hours but we won’t go there… not what he really does and friends, (wink, wink!) that’s not sleeping if I recall from when I was feeling well you know what I mean when I was feeling it all, ha! And a real big LOL on that revelation!
Nah… moving on…
It’s a small amount of red wine but I suppose with my lack of sleep last night it is having an effect on me, to my good I did start drinking it with our dinner, which is now over and I am still nursing the same goblet that was only half full. And yes my doctors all approved, since I had the good sense to ask with all the meds I am on, but most of them are taken in the A.M. and only two before bedtime. So they are spaced well apart.
Anyone taking any type of medication should always check with their physicians about drug interaction and if you can have your medicinal wine too, lol.

Oh that’s right I was going to get all pragmatic and ask you all to love thy neighbor like thy self, la, la, la, sorry I meant idealistic!
But we all know that when we don’t stir the pot with anti-social behavior we are considered …. Wait for it SOCIALISTS! Can you believe that me the all American gal that wants us all to play nice so our children will stop being killed was actually told that my attitude meant I was a socialist!
Dear friends I am not a communist but if you are I do respect your desire to be whoever you are, and there’s the rub from those words came the accusation.
Let me put it this way I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave and anyone who was persecuted came here to get away from hatred of who they were or what they believed in and I was lucky enough to have been born in this wonderful country that I love because I say what I know in my heart to be true for me, not necessarily for you… and that is because of the laws of the land that I love that allows me to do that without being persecuted for my feelings and I am being accused of wanting those freedoms to be for everyone who comes here too, hmm… does that sound fishy to you?
I say that this accuser does not know what this land was based on the freedom of speech without causing harm to anyone is fine for me and I will continue.
PS the person who was the accuser unfortunately had the nerve to also tell one of my extended family the same thing and I never owned up to who it was because it was a close to my husband relative and he asked me not to so I respected those wishes… this particular person who I truly believe has too many issues to go into with his only way of thinking about all issues being only one way and that is his way!
And so in my effort to tell him I just want him to respect my feelings and beliefs he called me that above word, socialist! Laughable, but he is one of those macho men who must be the king of his roost and his women should be seen and not heard and that is one of the reasons that you all can well imagine why over the many years we have bucked heads! Since his women listen to him but in our home we live in a democracy! And believe me with two sons and a husband I had to hold my ground and my own and I could with the best of them, no shrinking violets here. He has also given me pause to think about his overwhelming religious beliefs that he wants you to subscribe to and when I would not fall for it he actually asked if I didn’t want him to pray for me?
CRAZY! I do believe in G-d! (PS IF YOU READ MY ‘HATE’ ENTITLED BLOG YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM OF THE BLUE RELIGION AND THIS PERSON IS OF THE PURPLE AND ALSO A CLOSE RELATIVE) But I leave my religious beliefs with a bit of mystery in my profile and I truly believe that it is a very personal thing, not unlike other personal info… but here I have periodically divulged my truisms on that behalf and if I recall correctly communist are atheists? And I am not an atheist not that there is anything wrong with that; I just don’t want anyone to try to convert me to their religion! And so that is why I should have called him what he is, and that is not a very nice person and a little bit off the wall, but who isn’t?
And I respect his ability to have his own opinion its just when he insists that I should only believe what he does and if I don’t then I am such and such, and this case his ridiculous labeling of a SOCIALIST; which is a communist and atheist.
Well, I have done something that I haven’t done in a very long time I unfriended him.
And removed him from our email contact lists and yet he emailed several times after that I did not read and just deleted, who needs that kind of aggravation, huh?

Oh I suppose you are still wondering what the Nike part of all this was, well, it was just the cleaning house part of ridding yourself of people who take away your happiness and think that you should fit their mold not your own! There you go, and so friends just NIKE IT!
But be nicer than me about the how, ok?

On that somewhat disturbing but revealing and letting go of misery type of rant let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to kindly ask you all to count those blessings and to share those overages and we will too! (Now would an atheist say that nightly, I ask you really, LOL?)

And next time please be here or be square, ya here?

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