Monday, July 16, 2018

Hubby not feeling well

Stomach ache and a slight fever, slept most of today, except when he went to Publix for some small items forgotten and he is on a soft and soup diet.
With OTC medication back up. Hopefully not too serious and he should be fine.

Moving on...

Is anyone else disgusted and sickened once again with our so-called president kissing up to the enemy?
He is a huge embarrassment to our country daily!
Both sides of the political parties realize this, so why don't they do something?????????????
Can't we all do something????????????
At this point I truly wish it wasn't rhetorical.

Moving on once again...

Our waters here in Florida are compromised with blue-green algae and red tide!
Nightly, people complain on the news about the sewage type odor and dead wildlife with picture proof!

The tourist industry is hurting.
These somewhat natural occurrences are aided by human interaction that is the blue-green algae by too high phosphorus and nitrogen algae blooms can be caused by agricultural and stormwater runoff as well as leaching from septic systems.
Red tide's cause is caused by another species of dinoflagellate known as Alexandrium fundyense.

"Dinoflagellates and Red Tides | Latz Laboratory
Dinoflagellates are the most common sources of bioluminescence at the surface of the ocean. This section describes the life history and ecology of dinoflagellates, and explains how and why they produce bioluminescence. Ninety percent of all dinoflagellates are marine plankton. Others are benthic ..."
Alexandrium fundyense is a species of dinoflagellates. It produces toxins that induce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), and is a common cause of red tide."

Happy good night all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Today is a busy day,... for us!

Speaking My Mind: Today is a busy day,... for us! :   First, we meet with Hubby's oncologist for a monthly update on his bloodwork that ...