Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cold Turkey!

I suppose what is going on after my IV drug use, legal drug use that is, of Solu Medrol, 1gram a day for three days, is the withdrawal from this potent medication.
Little did I recall of only two and half years ago that it was last administered (my fourth time) that this could be the intermediary result before the final feel better action, I hope.
Migraine type headache to a dull ache and back again, with chills to too warm, even sweating, body shocked and confused, to feeling tired to restless, to hungry, yep to very very hungry!
No pool today due to an experiment of trying to see if that I went back in too soon, sun is more pronounced with risidual steroids too, I think.
I do know that my immune system is slightly/ a lot more compromised right now and so leaving home for any adventure is not in my mind's itinerary.
As the days go on my hope is that my patience somehow changes, since I never really had any, patience that is and that I do get some.

I do see my neuro next week, although, when I did get the call back they wanted me to come in this afternoon, I rejected that idea. The thought of traveling an hour in the car right now just seemed counter-productive and truly painful. Then nurse Traci said perhaps my internist who was another suggestion, local and so much closer,  nah too many sick people sneezing coughing and such in their waiting room, not gonna happen.
I chose to try and figure out and contend with this "withdrawal" cold turkey on my own, yep that is most likely what's going on anyway. 
Believe it or not Tylenol was also a possible idea, but with all the heavy duty stuff I am on it did seem almost laughable. Nah, I am toughing it out.
I know to some I might sound a wee bit wimpy, but believe me when I say that none of this is for wimps!   
One bright light on the horizon was my glucose that was down to 91 this morning, fasting, extremely normal. The only reason I took it again was due to the way I felt, all those symptoms, sometimes high glucose can cause all that too, ya know? 

Any-who that is where I stand/lie down now, it is my hope that tomorrow is another day, duh, of course it is and now I do know my options of being seen here or there.

Good night to all and to all have a very happy one; be well and be informed, ya hear!


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