WRITING is not just a fine art but to some a necessity!
Feelings can, be more easily expressed by writing them down than by saying them aloud...for most people.
But here's the caveat unless you are absolutely sure about what you need/want to say they will be out there for the world to see!
I use this blog, as you all know, by now... as I say fairly often for my SANITY!
I enjoy expressing, my opinions as well as my, feelings to faceless people mostly, although there are some who I know...at least I would like to think I know they run the gamut from old school chums and even relatives whom I haven't seen up close and personal for years and years! ( Yes, and occasional newer Facebook friend whom, I never met in person...!)
In closing for today with the election barbs heating up I have decided to take my own high road, stay away from that conversation, and let nature and common sense run their course...! (If only!)
So here I sit with a voluminous amount of time on my hands and the ability to bore or excite... who knows what I might bring to this game called life, do you know what you might?
Leaving you with that thought to join the games!? (Called life with a twist expressing what you really think of it all without being criticized!) Try it you might like it! Join me as I continue from these my past sixteen years of endeavor, who knows how much longer we have??? Really???
Be kind or rewind! ( Not so easy, after all, hmm?)
Allow me to introduce you to the crew...
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