Saturday, July 6, 2024

If you came back to this site...


I appreciate your kindness! 

I realize that no one appreciates a complainer. 

Thus, despite my recent troubles, I will persevere...

With this optimistic note, I must speak of President Joe's determination to succeed. " In it to win it". Oh, that was actually Hillary's slogan, wasn't it? Nevertheless, he remains committed to the competition, aiming for victory! I'm still making sense of it all, but his goal is to persist for the next FOUR YEARS!

And I fully endorse these aspirations!

So it goes with each interview since that disastrous first debate.

What surprises me the most is that Mr. T, AKA the so-called X-president, AKA Orange Frothy-Haired Guy not much is being said with his unadulterated lies that he spewed during the debate that were proven to be lies by fact checkers from both sides of the aisle!

President Joe was jet lagged due to him going all over the world promoting peace, but come on guys that can be exhausting even to a thirty-year-old and he is eighty-one folks! Give a Guy a break!

Just remember that... TRUTH and HONOR, ARE THE AMERICAN WAY... and it will prevail!

With a vote for Joe, that is for the continuation of the AMERICAN WAY, circa 1776-2024! 

May our values and decency live on!!!

                      VOTE FOR JOE!   

                      VOTE FOR JOE!!   

                      VOTE FOR JOE!!!

And you'll know what you did was not just for one but for us all!

To be clear...though...Joe must not go! 

Stick with it Joe, we should all stick with JOE!!!

Allow me to introduce you to the crew...

Lastly, moving on to who they are, our crew...
3 months, and ... now 6!

Aussie, say good day!

I am Aussie, not from Australia, but American-made. 
I will comply because it is fun and say good day!

I am called Aussie because my mom asked a sixteen-year-old girl looking at me in the crate I was in at the adoption site that day what she thought I should be named. Mom asked her age, but not her name... ha! And without hesitation, the teenager had said Aussie! By the way, she was just looking, so my mom did not steal me from her.
We never found out the girl's name; mom liked Aussie too. Since then, we have discovered that it is a ubiquitous name, but it is still just right for me! My parents think that I am uncommon, even say unique! I do like that.
I am an Australian Shepherd, a red Merl. And here is an interesting factoid about me: I was supposed to be a miniature Australian Shepherd, but as you might know, I AM NOT! I am a standard Australian Shepherd! Although I am now six years old, I am the baby, though I am the largest of the fur babies, and due to my breed and being standard, I am just right, ha! 
I was three months old when Mommy and Daddy adopted me. I had been taken- out of a hoarder's home in the Carolinas with my litter. 
Above is my PIC, taken on the birthday I share with my dad, but dad is much older than me!!! I was the first to be adopted, on February 16, 2018, on Dad's brother's birthday.
No tail/tale publishing, circa 2018.
Get it? I was born without a tail, preferable for all Australian Shepherds; only one out of five are born that way!


Hello, I am Bella, in the picture above, a Maltese Yorkie, a Morkie. I might be ten years old. We are all rescues, so no one knows our ages for sure. I am the middle child, so I am what you would expect, with all those idiosyncrasies accompanying that! Being the only girl has its rewards as well as its difficulties. 
I was turned in by my previous family, stating that I was misbehaving with their elderly dog it had been said that I was driving him crazy! I was the second to be adopted, on 8/18/18 on clear out the shelters' day!
My record called me Belle, so for no known reason, Mom decided I was more of a Bella, beautiful either way!

Hey, wait! Please don't forget me! I am Chance, pictured above, a Bichon Frise! I am 12-ish years old, so they think, and the eldest, and I like getting up early with mom and Aussie. Bella sleeps late with Dad, till after seven most days, even later sometimes! 

I enjoy a good tug-a-war on the ropes Dad had twisted for Aussie and me, and sometimes even Bella plays, too! I was the last to be adopted on January 23, 2020. 

I had been wandering the neighborhood for days, and then I saw Aussie and Bella in their living room window, so I hung out there... 

The animal control lady had been called and came out to see if I had a chip I.D. with her machine, and Dad told her that he wanted to name me Chance. His reason is that if no one claimed me, "I want to give him a second chance!" So that is how I got the name Chance!

The Animal Welfare League checked me out and kept me for sixteen

days until I was allowed to be adopted. Good evening.

Easy as Aussie, Bella, and Chance, now you got it! In order of adoption!

1 comment: said...


Speaking My Mind: I did finally write a blog last night if you misse...

Speaking My Mind: I did finally write a blog last night if you misse... :   ...Ugh presumptuous of me! Forgive? No? It's okay! Anywho......