Friday, September 4, 2020

VOTE ONLY ONCE without going to jail in this pseudo normalcy world by this pseudo normalcy gal!

Jail bait, not due to underage but due to breaking the law!!!
If you do not know the law look it up or ask someone, common sense, true???
Why then does our so-called president seem to think that everyone is as uninformed as he is???
And why does he want all his minions to be thrown in jail by telling them to vote TWICE???
Why a few might ask, hopefully not more than that... due to it BEING ILLEGAL TO VOTE IN ANY ELECTION MORE THAN ONCE!!!

In this case, ignorance being bliss will not hold up in a court of law, or in any case for that matter!!!
You can only vote once as an adult eighteen or over years old and as long as a registered voter.
Your party affiliation on November third is yours to vote with or against, whatever you wish!
BUT ONLY ONCE, early voting is fine and by mail-in in this PANDEMIC is preferred!!!
Going in person is fine if not elderly with underlying medical conditions, but wear your mask and social distance are mostly always required at all polling booths!

But only once!!!

That is all on that topic for now...

Moving on...

Don't be disgusted by this picture but here is a gold filling that was installed in a molar way back when I had excellent dental coverage...  I did not ask for a gold filling but I had just been diagnosed with MS, April 2006, and I was concerned that I had heard mercury caused it (mercury was not being used even then) and so to ease my concerns the dentist put the gold one in...He had a relative with MS. Fast forward 2020 and I was told by my new woman dentist being paid by CareCredit that it can be put back in, yay! It fell out a while ago, a few months, and with MS I have numb spots in different parts of my body, apparently, my mouth is one. This time it is a good thing. It is sitting in a tray on top of my dresser.

Moving on again...

Hubby brought in several Haas avocadoes from our tree below, now in a brown paper bag since they were not fully ripened. We have many more still on the tree.

Moving on once more...this morning's sunrise muted tones of color due to the Saharan dust.

And now from this the venue of my additional opinions...

And now without any further ado moving on again to...


VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala!
What a great team! THE WINNING TEAM!!!

Sanity runs in their families, decency and kindness, and smarts! Plenty of experience too! Did I mention EXPERIENCE! And level headed clear thinking!

And so we must go...

Be smart and be safe! 
Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!
Take it, Bella! ( I am a Maltese Yorkie, a Morkie, and I might be four years old! We are all rescues so no one knows for sure.)I did this so I will be.

Aussie shut it down!

(I am an Australian Shepherd, an interesting factoid I was supposed to be a miniature you might know I AM NOT! But I am now over two and a half years old, so I am the baby HA! I was three months old when Mommy and Daddy adopted me.)

No tail/tale publishing circa 2018.

Don't forget us too! 

Easy as Aussie, Bella, Chance, now you got it!
And me Chance, I am a Bichon Frise mix, first I thought Maltese but now I am considering poodle? I am pictured here with Mom and Dad at the Port Charlotte Animal Welfare League! I am five years old they think.

Speaking My Mind: City Furniture still no call back with a monetary ...

Speaking My Mind: City Furniture still no call back with a monetary ... :   Recap: all caused when their delivery man forced the too-large b...