Tuesday, September 29, 2020

About the debate, and other things that just seem not right in this pseudo normalcy world by this pseudo normalcy gal!


I have come to the conclusion at this ripe age, notice I did not say that at seventy I am not yet "old", although, numerically, by medical standards, I am considered elderly... any-who...People are odd and always have been when it comes to many things, and yes, we are a stubborn lot! 

That is in our so-called unbiased opinions about things that we managed to always put our two cents in...

  life, child-rearing, fashion, decor, and what is proper behavior, and what is polite, and what we believe in, and politics, and the list goes on... I am more than sure I have forgotten so many more topics of "polite" and so-called impolite conversation.

All right, enough already, let's get down to brass tacks, for the kiddies: "I have discovered an earlier American-English phrase, to come (right) down to the brass, which meant:

– to get to the point, i.e., to get to the essential elements of something being discussed,
– to concern oneself with the essential characteristics of something.

The earliest instance of this phrase that I have found dates from 1854."


Anyway, this, of my meaning of the debate tonight between the contenders, Trump ( I must admit I cringe when using his name) VS Biden, could be a disaster with the Bully of Orange Frothy-Haired Guy (better, him) scathingly staying off topics concerning Americans and going on the verbal abusive MO of nastiness spewing hatred, lies, and misinformation casting hideous doubt on our decent, mentally stable, a likable Joe, experienced in all forms of our government Guy!!! 

Another important issue...
Taxes not being paid is how they got Al Capone, right? Tax evasion!!! That is what our so-called president and his gun moll daughter possibly did! In case the children reading this do not know the definition of a "gun moll", here it is, "Gun moll - Wikipedia


A gun moll or gangster moll is the female companion of a male professional criminal. "Gun" was British slang for a thief, derived from Yiddish ganef, [1] from the Hebrew "gannāb" ( גנב ). [2] " 

Moving on...
Opinions are iffy in many cultures throughout the world.
So many are frowned upon if given by a woman, sad, so very, very sad, and archaic.

And here is a conundrum about to take place in our homeland of AMERICA a DEMOCRACY or was, hope that more thought will go into this choice by the Republicans but it might very well not be the case although all the polls say AMERICA wants it to be by waiting to choose...but a woman is being pushed through at lightning speed, a woman who has been chosen who has chosen a career for herself of that of giving opinions wants to have that life-long job and ironically wants to remove the ability of that for all other women not to be able to use their opinions, therefore, choose to decide how to use their bodies, and that is so very truly odd, sad and archaic!!!

Her name, dare I say, is the "Honorable" Amy Coney Barrett, at just forty-eight she wants to set Americans back nearly fifty years!!! To a very dark time in our history, where women died of abortions due to them not being "legal" and either going to horrible abortionists or doing hanger self abortions!!! And if you think that women will magically decide not to have any you are living in the dark ages!!! You think that is not going to add to the death toll by you denouncing Roe Vs. Wade with Obamacare??? Yes, two different things but no one can not deny how one affects the other, and Obamacare so much more in this a PANDEMIC!!!

She is the Bully's candidate to fill RBGs spot on the Supreme Court, how divisive of him but typical. No one can ever exactly fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's shoes, but there have to be someone closer in her abilities to make sure the underdog, women, men, and LBGTQ are all represented fairly!  Then his choice of a juxtaposition of Amy Coney Barrett!!! Who I am sure is a lovely person if not put in this inappropriate job position, it is a very BAD fit!!!

Moving on again...

Some things have been put back after the barn door project has ended in part, still, a bit of tweaking paint touch up, spackling, etc.

The mirrors have been reconfigured, just three in alignment still in the hallway
 and the larger one banished into the living room, although I think it's too high! 
Hubby feels it is just right, OPINIONS!!!
Not that important though.

The pictures below have been placed back and so has the bar for safety in the bathroom! 

Below a very hazy sunrise! I tried but nature did not comply!

And now without any further ado moving on again to...


VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala!

What a great team! THE WINNING TEAM!!!

Sanity runs in their families, decency and kindness, and smarts! Plenty of experience too! Did I mention EXPERIENCE! And level headed clear thinking!

And so we must go...

Be smart and be safe! 
Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!
Take it, Bella! ( I am a Maltese Yorkie, a Morkie, and I might be four years old! We are all rescues so no one knows for sure.)I did this so I will be.

Aussie shut it down!

(I am an Australian Shepherd, an interesting factoid I was supposed to be a miniature but...as you might know I AM NOT! But I am now over two and a half years old, so I am the baby HA! I was three months old when Mommy and Daddy adopted me.)

No tail/tale publishing circa 2018.

Don't forget us too! 

Easy as Aussie, Bella, Chance, now you got it!
And me Chance, I am a Bichon Frise mix, first I thought Maltese but now I am considering poodle? I am pictured here with Mom and Dad at the Port Charlotte Animal Welfare League! I am five years old they think.

Speaking My Mind: Knowing could be everything!

Speaking My Mind: Knowing could be everything! :   Shocking yet poignant and many may say necessary. The International Crime Court has done ...