Thursday, January 16, 2020


Woman Screaming and Crying in Frustration While Getting ...

My chosen icon says it all above... but wait there's MORE!
The trial formal bequest was today where the Chief Justice John Roberts and the senators are all signed and sworn in for the BIGGER SHOW coming this Tuesday!
THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL itself, and the basis for such a trial is a little thing called the CONSTITUTION!

Now if everyone grabs a program, meaning your copy of the Constitution so we can be sure everything at the Impeachment Trial is all that we had hoped for! Truth, justice and the AMERICAN WAY, oh wait that's Superman's spiel... our is Justice, justice, truth, truth and the AMERICAN WAY! Or some such thing... OH HONESTY!

And its quality of trial should be explanatory of the Constitution, but I suggest reading ahead... any-who, and so much more!
Mark this date, no circle it, no put it in every file for everyone you know to see and for you to pass it on! JANUARY 21, 2020 on the TV nearly every channel you can think of!
No excuses NOT to WATCH!
Remember to take your programs, meaning your copy of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES! To make sure that Cheif Justice John Roberts and the senators who will be the composite of the court's jurors for the decision... only our third impeachment in history and all I have seen, since this will be my third too, of watching that is.


Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Take it, Bella!
I did this so I will be.
Aussie shut it down!
 No  tail/tale publishing circa 2018

Speaking My Mind: Yesterday, we did go to the Home and Garden Show a...

Speaking My Mind: Yesterday, we did go to the Home and Garden Show a... :   It was a good idea, except for one thing. Anyway, we saw many ca...