...Ugh presumptuous of me! Forgive? No? It's okay!
Anywho... today is another day and our sand has already been delivered! All 1200 lbs. of it that will fill 25 sandbags from Lowe's!
Yes, more rain is expected and will cause more flooding!
Hubby will return to Lowe's this morning to pick up our five water-damaged door replacements. The worst one is the one to the garage from the laundry mudroom, it is so swollen that it will not close at all and its inners are falling out onto the step from the garage!
Moving on...
My anxiety level with this new rain/water predicted to cause more flooding is very upsetting and so it is sky-high! Just due to its quantity, not due to another storm, as of yet, not anyway!
Being a Girl Scout, as a child, with the motto, always be prepared I feel somewhat better knowing that we will be protected.
Or as many today say,... "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best!"
Looks so small but it is 1200 lbs. of sand in the bag!
Allow me to introduce you to the crew...
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